Freedom and! safety?

Perhaps someone has already said to you: "You can't have everything, it is either freedom or security", or you yourself have thought that freedom and security are opposites. I believed that for a long time. Having experienced this limiting belief, I now think about it very differently. I see freedom and security as two qualities that complement each other, that give each other meaning, and I see them as a whole and not as separate opposites. In my perception, there is no real security without the feeling of freedom, and freedom cannot be experienced without security. They belong to each other like the moon to the sun, they complement each other and yet exist in their own qualities. In the past, I have often tried to experience either an extreme degree of freedom or a high degree of security (in my relationships, at work, etc.). But neither of these qualities alone has made me completely fulfilled and happy. Now, I invite both qualities similarly into my life, as two parts of the same truth. I chose a relationship that makes me feel safe and free at the same time. I chose a job that I love and that gives me an incredible amount of freedom to work from anywhere and do exactly what I want and now I’m building in more and more security, which allows me to enjoy the freedom it offers me. I chose to move to Portugal to live by the ocean where I feel free and yet I cultivate a surrounding in Portugal and at home that makes me feel safe. I have learnt to have a relationship with myself that allows me to spread my wings while feeling safe within myself. And with that, I have invited people and relationships into my life where we support each other in our freedom and give each other the safe space we all need. I truly believe that we can have both, it's just a question of prioritising and how we implement them in our lives. I also believe that a life with an imbalance in one of the qualities is not a fulfilling life. Therefore, I like to ask myself if I need to focus more on one of the two qualities and see both as qualities that I can cultivate more and more in my life to enrich my life. To invite both qualities into our lives, we need to believe that they can co-exist and that we are worthy of having it all! So don't believe anyone who starts a sentence with "You can't". Yes, you can, it's just a matter of consciously looking at it and creating what you want for your life. Is it freedom? Is it security? Is it both at the same time? Go for what you want in your life.